Thursday, February 25, 2010

photography cocktail

took all these during chinese new year.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Since neecole ask me to do so plus I so free... for those who don't know chinese paiseh la~

① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案
② 请传给另外十个人
③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!
④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝
⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位
⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福
⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福


① 绰号:libra
② 星座:天平座
③ 生日:1987年10月21日
④ 兴趣:设计,艺术,摄影,吃。
⑤ 血型:o
⑥ 最宝贵的东西:我最宝贵的东西咯。
⑦ 最討厭的东西:没钱。

① 有喜欢的人吗:有
② 有交往吗:没有
③ 幸福吗:能吃饱就幸福了。
④ 他很爱你吗:不。
⑤ 如果你有勇气最想是什么: 到世界各地背包旅行吧?那应该是要有钱吧。

① 你被谁点:neecole
② 他是你的谁:朋友
③ 他的个性是:友善,很谈得来,成熟?
④ 他长得怎样:小小只,可爱,……漂亮吧
⑤ 跟他认识多久:几个月。
⑥ 你想跟他说什么:会在msn跟他说
⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:好啊~ XD

① 最爱的音乐:好听的。
② 最爱的季节:秋天。
③ 最爱的卡通:很多勒。
④ 最爱的颜色:白色,天蓝色。
⑤ 最想去的国家:很多勒。
⑥ 最爱的水果:好吃的。
⑦ 最爱的饮料:好喝的。
⑧ 最爱的人:家人。

① 你很爱哭吗:不会。
② 你很爱笑吗:每天都在笑。
③ 你是很有信心的人吗:还蛮有的。
④ 你想要怎样的生活:没有烦恼就行了。
⑤ 你喜欢自己吗:喜欢。
⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:很喜欢。
⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:还好啦。
⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:喜欢看别人跳啦。
⑨ 你很专情吗:应该吧。
⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:超~喜欢~

1. vertigo nick indian limmer
2. andy low
3. king mang
4. byrn kong
5. kah wai(six)
6. junjun riko
7. robin tan
8. joan chua
9. vinny chung
10. kelseyz

如果你有三个愿望,Tell me your wish :

1. 愿家人身体健康,平平安安。
2. 祝我早点找到工。
3. 保佑我早日摆脱22年的单身生活,哈哈~ XD

CNY reunion dinner


Thursday, February 11, 2010

The interview day

Yesterday i was went to MFX for interview, the company is located at Imbi, jalan inai. Without my own transport, I have to take LRT and change monorail to bukit bintang and somemore still need to walk to the office for about 10 minutes, imagine how hot is the weather yesterday. Reach there was about 10:30am. Waiting in there for half hour, and a woman come for interview me, i couldn't remember her name, but she's design department 1. Overall the interview quite smooth, quite positive la, the interviewer like my works ( got some staffs standing outside see my work and told me nice work, so happy~ ). At 1st i though after interview I can straight away know wether I can work there or not, but the interviewer told me wait for their call, maybe got 2nd interview, or else they will update me after Chinese New Year. After the interview, she take me to visit their working environment, and I saw my senior working at there, if I really can work there, at least got 1 friend inside la, lol~ After I leave there, I just go walk around at sungai wang area, then only go back. Here is the photos i took yesterday, try see wether you guys can find out the mistake or not, because these 2 photos are actually highly photoshoped. (open new window for the images to view bigger size)

Bukit Bintang