It's been almost 5 months I didn't update my blog, today suddenly feel like blog something. Let's me just blog "something"... Since I started my working life, I never update any artwork, because, 1st, I was very busy with job (although I know this a very stupid excuse), 2nd, I was too lazy to do any artwork. 4 months passed, and my friends are coming back from UK soon, in these 4 months, i don't know whether I got any improvement in terms of skill and handling a project, but all I know for sure is I'm gain more weight :P . Thinking back of last time still study in college, we all really have fun on doing assignment together, hanging out together, always have yum cha session, it was really fun. And now we all graduated, although is only that few months, but we still said "last time when we study in college..." lol~ Still remember when i was first step into the college, I had never think about the future, whether next time what I really want to do. I just feel like study design, I don't even dream about in the future I want to be a designer (I guess most of the people are just like me). But I was really lucky, before start study, i don't even know i really interest in this field or not, but after few semesters, i found out i really like design, thanks God. When I was in 2nd year of diploma, I feel like i have a dream, a dream to become a very successful famous designer, although now I'm not famous and success, but i still glad that I'm working in the field I like. Sometimes dream give us strength, although you might not achieve your dream, but at least it will lead you to the right path. Friends at UK~ Hope you guys got the path you want~ Good luck~ :)